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Igor edited this page Aug 12, 2024 · 2 revisions

Extension manifest

In progress

Each extension must contain a manifest.json file. This is what is searched for to detect the extension and obtain information about it.


    "uri": "musescore://extensions/colornotes",
    "type": "macros",
    "title": "Color Notes",
    "description": "This plugin colors notes in the selection depending on their pitch as per the Boomwhackers convention",
    "category": "color-notes",
    "thumbnail": "color_notes.png",
    "version":  "3.5",
    "vendor": "Muse"
    "ui_context": "Any",
    "apiversion": 1,

    "main": "main.js"
  • uri (required) - This is the extension identifier, used to call it. It must be unique and follow the pattern: musescore://extensions/extensions_name
  • type (required) - Type of extension
    • macros - extension without user interface
    • form - extension with user interface
    • complex - extension consisting of several forms or forms and macros
  • title (required) - Title of extension
  • description (required) - Description of extension
  • category (optional)- Category of extension
  • thumbnail (optional) - Thumbnail of extension. PNG format is supported.
  • version (optional) - Version of extension.
  • vendor (optional) - About the author
  • ui_context (optional) - The context in which the extension is available
    • ProjectOpened (default) - Project (score) open
    • Any - always available
  • apiversion (optional)- required api version
    • 1 - api of old plugins, deprecated, don't use this for new extensions
    • 2 (default) - actual api
  • main (required) - Main entry point, .js or .qml file






  1. Set up developer environment
  2. Install Qt and Qt Creator
  3. Get MuseScore's source code
  4. Install dependencies
  5. Compile on the command line
  6. Compile in Qt Creator

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