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Initial Position Setup

Ilya V. Portnov edited this page Nov 10, 2023 · 2 revisions

HCheckers allows you to play starting with arbitrary position, placing pieces manually. In order to do so, in the "new game" dialog, select "Manual position setup". An empty board will appear. You are now in "initial position setup" mode. In this mode, commands from the "Position" menu, and corresponding buttons in the toolbar (at the left from board), are active.

"Place white piece", "place black piece" and "remove piece" commands work like tools or sub-modes: when you select, for example, "place white piece", this tool will be activated. When you then select "place black piece", you will activate another tool.

When "Place white piece" tool is active, you can place white piece (man) at any field just by clicking at the field. To place a king, first place a man and then click on it - the man will turn into a king. If you click on a king, it will turn into man again. Similarly with "Place black field".

When "Remove piece" tool is active, you can remove previously placed pieces by clicking on them.

When you're done placing pieces, select "Start game" command from the Game menu. The game will actually begin.

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