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Ilya V. Portnov edited this page Oct 27, 2023 · 3 revisions

This page contains a list of supported checkers rules, with links to their description.

  • Russian draughts (8x8)
  • Simple draughts - similar to Russian, but without kings, men are just stuck when they get to the last horizontal, unless they capture back. This version of rules is sometimes used by children.
  • English draughts (8x8)
  • International draughts (10x10)
  • Brazilian draughts (8x8) - International rules on 8x8 board.
  • Canadian draughts (12x12)
  • Spancirety draughts - Russian rules on 8x10 board. Bigger board gives more combinations, and the lack of the main diagonal means there are less draws. For example, 3 kings here will always catch a single king, without exceptions.
  • Diagonal draughts - Russian rules with diagonal initial setup. This setup gives very dynamic game, almost like alkerk.
  • Czhech draughts
  • Turkish draughts - orthogonal checkers, i.e. pieces are moved along horizontals and verticals, not diagonals.
  • Armenian draughts (Tama) - here pieces can be moved along diagonals (forward only) as well as along horizontals and verticals.
  • Frisian draughts - somewhat similar to international, but with other rules for capturing, which makes it a very different game. Note: at the moment, in HCheckers, support of frisian rules is in early alpha stage; namely, HCheckers does not implement the rule of three moves, and the rule of "best capture" is not implemented exactly (the rule from international draughts is used instead).
  • Killer draughts. This is almost the same as international draughts (on 10x10 board), with only one exception: during capturing by a king, if the last piece being captured is also a king, then you have to stop at exactly next field after the captured king. HCheckers implements "hard" version of killer rule, i.e. it applies to all captures by kings, no matter how many pieces were captured.
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