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[OLD] Use with Hyrax

Julie Allinson edited this page Oct 15, 2017 · 1 revision

Using DogBiscuits in a Hyrax Application

To make use of DogBiscuits 🐶 🍪 in a Hyrax application, there is quite a lot of manual work to do currently,

There is a partial prototype implementation of DogBiscuits in this Hyrax application:

The following notes are a rough guide to using DogBiscuits for a journal article in the above app:

Thesis Walkthrough

Metadata Properties:

Pick Lists and Autosuggest

Creators is an auto-suggest using internal 'Person' objects in a Concept Scheme called 'people'. The field accept text and a Person object will be created from any text entered as the 'rdfs_label' and will be added to the people Concept Scheme so that it appears in the auto-suggest from then on. If the entered text matches the structure of an ORCID, an orcid lookup is performed and a Person object created with info derived from ORCID.

Qualification name and qualification label are drop down lists that use File-Based authorities, drawing their terms from a YML file in the app.

Departments is also a drop-down, but, like Creator, it's terms come from a Concept Scheme (called 'departments').


The display is configured to show the labels rather than URLs (in the File-Based Authorities) or IDs (for Creator, Departartment etc.)

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