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Add an Authority

Julie Allinson edited this page Nov 3, 2017 · 3 revisions

How to Add an Authority

Choosing which kind of authority

  1. External (Geonames, LC etc.) - where someone else maintains the authority and provides an API
  2. Local File-Based - where the list of terms is short and relatively static
  3. Local Table-Based – where the list of terms is longer than sensibly supported by YAML file (eg. languages); and/or where new terms need to be added dynamically
  4. Local Object-based – where we want to store the referenced resource as a repository object


Questioning Authority provides support for querying a range of external authorities, and can be used as a template for writing your own code for other external auths.

Local Table-Based

Consult Questioning Authority to see how to create a Table-Based authority.

See also the Hyrax Rake Task for adding languages from Lexvo as a Table-Based authority:

rake hyrax:controlled_vocabularies:language

Local File-Based Authorities

New File-Based authorities can be added into the generator very easily.

  1. Create a yml file for the authority terms, following the following structure:
  - id:
    term: Masters (Postgraduate)
    active: true
  - id:
    term: Diploma (Postgraduate)
    active: true
  - id:
    term: Bachelors (Undergraduate)
    active: true
  - id:
    term: Doctoral (Postgraduate)
    active: true
  1. add the new file into lib/generators/dog_biscuits/templates/config/authorities following the pluralized naming convention (terms.yml rather than term.yml)
  2. re-run the generator in the calling app with the -f flag to pull in the new authority

Note: id, term and active are required; other elements can be added into the list and will be retrieved by qa's json response without affecting current functionality.

Local Object-Based Authorities

For a new object-based authority list:

  1. (a) If the Class of the terms in the list match one of the existing authority models, you don't need to add any new models:
  • Agent
  • Person
  • HistoricPerson
  • Group
  • Organisation
  • Place
  • Concept ("an idea or notion; a unit of thought" SKOS ... something abstract, like a subject heading)
  • Project
  • Event
  1. (b) If you need a new model, extend one of the existing ones (agent, concept) and add it into the 'has_many' list in ConceptScheme.
has_many :my_new_things, class_name: 'DogBiscuits::MyNewThing', inverse_of: :concept_scheme
  1. Add a block like the following to /lib/dog_biscuits/services/terms.rb following the exact convention of using plural forms.
	class ThingsTerms < TermsService
		def terms_list

  1. In the application using dog_biscuits, re-run the auths generator with the -f flag to force overwriting
rails generate dog_biscuits:auths -f

The new authority list can be used to generate a pick list or autosuggest in a view in the calling application.

Note: The name of the Terms list does not need to match the Model name. Retrieving the terms relies on the existend of a ConceptScheme called 'things'.

What does this mean?

It means that in order to generate a list of things, we need a ConceptScheme object with a preflabel of 'things'. All MyNewThing objects should be added to this ConceptScheme with

concept_scheme_object.my_new_things << my_new_thing

Both File-based and Object-based authorities use the questioning authority gem. The same gem allows us to query external services like library of congress and FAST:

Have a look at lib/dog_biscuits/services/terms_service.rb to see the methods you can use to query the local terms lists, eg. get value from id, get id from value, search

And have a look at the qa documentation to see how you can use them more generally: