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Releases: yuxshao/ptcollab


16 Feb 13:26
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  • Updated Korean translation
  • Added Japanese translation

I did absolutely 0 translation work. Youwhang volunteered and did all the hard work pushing through both translations, so huge thanks to them! Additionally, thanks to Awwchang, Chroma, and くろかいこ for helping with the Japanese translation! πŸ™ πŸ™

Thanks to Ewan and OPNA2608 for help on the technical side.

Please let me know if I missed any credits.



06 Jul 01:02
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Added Spanish translation (thanks EnthWyrr and also curelapse, coffie!)

Korean translation, COBVOICE, note guidelines

03 Jul 00:24
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  • Added korean translation (thanks Youwhang!)
  • Current unit now has an additional line that shows pitch changes even when there's no currently active note
  • Added @majorcob's awesome voice pack and sample songs to the release!
  • Added title bar customization #90 (thanks @ewancg !)

Oops there was a big speed regression

12 Nov 23:45
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In v0.6.4.0 there were some speed improvements. But also, the configurable left menu code caused a huge slowdown because it would constantly be reading from a file what the menu size was. The slowdown is worse if you have a slower hard drive I think. Like, 7 times per piano key. It no longer does that. With this change, there are actual performance gains.

Thanks you @OPNA2608 for discovering and pinpointing the regression.

Moonlight edition

09 Nov 03:28
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  • New dark style contributed by @EwanGreen4 (personally love the look!!)
  • Background light animations in dark mode (shift+D to toggle)
  • Adjust the colours in the ptcollage style to be more balanced.
  • Allow styles to adjust the unit note colours.
  • Don't draw highlights on the left side of notes for background units, to make it easier to see the foreground unit.
  • Bugfix: clicking on the left piano doesn't accidentally trigger sounds from other units
  • Bugfix: playhead following works on 2x zoom now

Check out the new style and animations below!


Windows installer

23 Oct 03:40
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  • Add a windows installer (thanks Ewan)
  • Build dependencies from source (thanks OPNA)

Draw optimizations

19 Oct 03:53
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This release is mainly about improving program's painting and layout.

  • (Significantly) Reworked of the rendering to speed things up, especially on high resolutions
    • If you were running < 60fps before, it should be noticeably closer to 60 now.
    • If you were getting choppy audio before, that should be less likely now. You may be able to reduce audio buffer length.
  • Added a setting for drawing the editor area at a higher pixel zoom. This is mainly for having taller pinned unit rows, which should be especially useful for high DPI displays. (But maybe some also prefer the pixel aesthetic)
  • Added a setting for changing the width of the left piano.
  • Added support for building with CMake (thanks OPNA2608!)
  • Adjusted the radio button and separator styling (thanks Ewan Green!)

Because a ton of the rendering was refactored, there might be a few visual glitches. They should be easy to fix though once reported.

Unit export, edit song title & comment

24 Sep 18:57
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New features

  • Open to export song into separate files for each unit
  • Dialog for editing song title and comment


  • Change the shortcut for toggling whether a parameter is copied or not from C to Shift+C
    • C was too easy to accidentally press as part of 'Ctrl+C' for copy
  • Tweak UI a bit so that various widget heights are aligned, and more widgets are disabled before initial project load (thanks @EwanGreen4 or the contribution)
  • Fix a crash if a stylesheet uses a custom font
  • Fix incorrect help text regarding transposition / parameter tweaking (thanks @PureAsbestos for the report!)

Polyphonic midi input

02 Sep 04:32
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  • Polyphonic midi input over selected units
  • Display a tuning multiplier / cent offset number next to fine tune parameter events


  • Be a little more resilient to misformatted wav files
  • Display autosave folder name in autosave dialog box

Tiny fixes

15 Jul 03:48
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This is a small handful of tiny fixes. There are some bigger features in the pipeline, just didn't want those bigger things to block these changes!

  • Added a velocity indicator in the parameter pane when adding a new note
  • Added checkbox toggle to disable MIDI input velocity sensitivity (thanks PureAsbestos for the suggestion)
  • Fixed a crash that'd happen if you tried quantizing without selection enabled (thanks damifortune for the report)
  • Fixed a visual glitch where if you're zoomed out a bunch, some notes would be invisible due to being too thin

Thanks again to OPNA2608 for making it easy to cut a release! And thanks again to all users.