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Meeting March 8, 2016

Dylan Landry edited this page Mar 9, 2016 · 16 revisions

Absent: Ashley, Ethan

  • Check in.
  • Establish two stories to begin specification.


  • Do we specify all user stories at once before moving onto wire frames?
  • Are we ready to start interacting with Derek's Laravel API?


  • Removed API for our MVP of this project. We will still be using Laravel but will be leaving out the API for now. We hope to bring it back in a later version.
  • We picked out several user stories we felt were critical to the MVP and moved them into the "Specification in Progress" column in our Trello board.
  • We have decided that the assignment as well as evaluations for our MVP will be hard coded, meaning there will be no method to create new assignments or new evaluations besides the ones pre-baked and included in the MVP. This isn't to say we will not include that functionality to create new assignments or evaluations in a future version, but for the MVP it is not required.

##Upcoming Meetings

  • 3/15 SCRUM.

##Action Items

  • Begin specifying individual user stories to the point that we have adequate information to begin wire framing each.

  • Stories to be specified have been assigned to team members on our Trello board.

  • A specification is finished when it contains enough information to begin wire framing that individual user story.

  • Tim posted the format he is using to fill out specifications on Slack, so to keep our specifications consistent, it would be a good idea to follow his layout. He posted something similar on our Trello board as well.

  • Wire frame complete specifications.

  • Tim has detailed in Trello a short summary on what a good wire frame is.

  • Wire frames should be done by Thursday, March 10th to give adequate time for mock ups to be created.

  • Create illustrator/Photoshop mock ups of each complete wire frame. Due Tuesday, March 15th