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User Accounts

Sam Foster edited this page Feb 28, 2016 · 3 revisions

A user account establishes a user's individual presence within the system. Creating an account will allow a user to access system features, such as creating assignments and completing evaluations. Permissions to access certain features will be determined by the type of account. Creating an account will also set up a reference to the user in the system, allowing other users to target them for other system features, such as assigning evaluations.

As a user account represents a specific user, any user-created and -associated content within the system can be accessed through the account or by the account's unique identifier. User accounts will persist for the duration of the system's life.


  1. Establish a unique relationship between a user and the system
  2. Define a user's permissions within the system


  1. Users can register and login via a system-generated invitation
  2. Account types (permissions) are established by the system, not by the user's themselves
  3. Users can fill-in basic profile information to further distinguish themselves


  • Accounts should have one of three possible types (Administrator, Instructor, and Student)
  • Core user credentials, including the admin and the initial instructor account, should be generated during the system's development
  • Student emails should be pulled from Mainestreet and an invitation to register in the system should be sent to these emails.
  • Students should register using University-provided credentials (Mainestreet, FirstClass)
  • Each account should have a profile includes their first and last name

Future Ideas

  • Create additional, editable profile information (e.g. profile picture, phone number, interests, skills)
  • New account types/permissions
  • Request an account/in-site registration (rather than invitations)