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Jeff Campbell edited this page Jan 13, 2021 · 5 revisions

This section covers key concepts of EntitasRedux and their practical applications.

  • Contexts A Context manages the lifecycle of entities and groups and maintains pools of components.
  • Components A Component is a unit-of-data that can be added to, removed from, or replaced on an Entity.
  • Entities An Entity is an distinct, simple object defined by a unique identifier and zero or more Components. An Entity is always created from a Context.
  • Systems A System implements behavior for zero or more Entities in a Context. Different interface types for systems enable them to be executed at specific interval rates (Update, Fixed Update, etc...) or in reaction to changes in components on an entity.
  • Groups A Group contains a collection of entities to track defined by an simple query syntax from a Matcher.
  • Entity Indexes An EntityIndex enables a group where one or more entities can be searched for by way of an index value or key. A PrimaryEntityIndex enables grouping where only one Entity can be associated with a distinct index value or key.