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HitCache edited this page Jul 7, 2021 · 10 revisions

Installing Entitas Redux

First, make sure your Unity project is set to use .Net 4, otherwise you will receive compilation errors.

Using this library in your project can be done in three ways:

Install via OpenUPM

The package is available on the openupm registry. It's recommended to install it via openupm-cli.

openupm add com.jeffcampbellmakesgames.entitasredux

Install via GIT URL

Using the native Unity Package Manager introduced in 2017.2, you can add this library as a package by modifying your manifest.json file found at /ProjectName/Packages/manifest.json to include it as a dependency. You will need to have Git installed and available in your system's PATH.

Adding the dependencies manually

See the example below on how to reference it.

	"dependencies": {
		"com.jeffcampbellmakesgames.genesis" : "",
		"com.jeffcampbellmakesgames.entitasredux" : "",

Adding the dependencies using the Unity editor

Open the package manager in the Unity editor. You can follow these instructions on how to install the dependencies.

The url for Genesis is

The url for Entitas-Redux is