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Genesis Installation

Follow the setup instructions here for configuring and installing Genesis.

Install Entitas Redux Plugins

On the Project Settings for Genesis, once an install path has been set you will need to install the plugins for Entitas Redux. This can be done by either:

  • Clicking the button for Install or Update All Plugins OR
  • Clicking the button next to Entitas Redux for Install or Update Plugin.

Create GenesisSettings Asset

Create a GenesisSettings asset by either:

  • Selecting the menu item Assets => JCMG => Genesis => GenesisSettings.

  • Right-clicking in the Project window and selecting Create => JCMG => Genesis => GenesisSettings.

This asset contains the configuration information needed for the code-generation steps of EntitasRedux to generate the application-specific framework code based on component's you've defined.

(If you see something like "No Pre Processors available" instead of a dropdown menu set to "Everything", it may mean that Genesis can't find .NET Core 3.1.)

Select the newly created GenesisSettings asset. There are a few settings to update or identify here:

  • By default zero code generation plugins are imported; this can be rectified by selecting the Auto Import button underneath the General Code Generation section.

  • By default, any code-generated files are placed into Assets/Generated. This can be changed to a more desirable location by changing the relative path underneath the Output Directory section.

  • Finally, two Context are defined underneath the EntitasRedux Context Names section. In short, a Context is an equivalent concept to an ECS World in other frameworks, i.e, a separate simulation space each with its own distinct entities and potentially components. The two starting Context are Game and Input; for the purpose of this tutorial these can be left alone.

Running Genesis

Once this has been completed, pressing CTRL + Shift + G on Windows or CMD + Shift + G on macOS will execute a code-generation run. This should produce a set of barebones EntitasRedux framework code for the defined context(s) with zero components.