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Jeff Campbell edited this page Oct 2, 2020 · 1 revision


This document covers steps taken when a new release is created such that the end product is that:

  • The version number is increased.
  • Any compiled or auto-generated documentation is created and included with the release.
  • A release is published on GitHub containing the release notes and .UnityPackage for that version and tagged in the format upm/vX.X.X to the release/stable branch. The tag designation in this case triggers an automatic package publish to OpenUPM.


  • Ensure all unit-tests are passing
  • Ensure the framework builds to at least one platform to ensure there are not any compiler errors for editor-usage in runtime code.
  • Increment the package version number using the PackageManifestConfig inspector. Save the project.
  • Regenerate the VersionConstants.cs file and add the license header.
  • Run the compiled html doxy file and add it to the package contents in the Unity project.
  • Check all of these changes into the develop branch.
  • Generate the legacy Unity package from the PackageManifestConfig for the GitHub Release.
  • Create the release notes from the draft template and add all of the changes in from the relevant Milestone for this Release. Attach the legacy Unity package and save as a draft for now.
  • Generate the Unity package from the PackageManifestConfig for the feat/release branch. Check this code in using the same notes used for the Release on GitHub and push it up sans tag.
  • Run the static site DoxyFiles to update the EntitasReduxAPI repository. Check that code in and push that up to GitHub to cause the GitHub site to recompile.
  • Associate the draft Release on GitHub with the release/stable branch, add the tag in the form of upm/vX.X.X, and publish the Release.
