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DummkopfOfHachtenduden edited this page Sep 19, 2021 · 1 revision

2D Texture Index (2DTI)

This file is not binary, it's read line by line (like a CSV list)!

  1. Header
  2. TileCount
  3. TileEntry


This tables shows the formats of each column.

TileIndex TileType TileCategory TileFile 3D-Grass
{0:00000} 0x{1:X8} "{2}" "{3}" {{0},{1}}


Example: {1159,2} {1816,36}
First value indicates the model, the number is an index from object.ifo
Second value indicates the amount of grass which is randomly placed on the tile.
As seen in this example, multiple grass per tile is possible.


public enum TileType: int
    Dirt = 0,
    Sand = 1,
    Ashfield = 2,
    Stone = 3,
    Metal = 4,
    Wood = 5,
    Mud = 6,
    Water = 7,
    DeepWater = 8,
    Snow = 9,
    Grass = 10,
    LongGrass = 11,
    Forest = 12,
    Cloud = 13
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